Holiday Oral Health Tips To Protect Your Smile

It’s never easy getting through the holiday season without putting on extra pounds from all the creamy casseroles, sugary treats, and extra cocktails. But with help from your friends at Oasis Dental, at least your smile will stay merry and bright! Today, we’re sharing a few oral health tips to keep in mind as you […]

Make Your Holidays Brighter With Teeth Whitening!

During the holidays, you should be able to enjoy yourself. But that’s tough if you’re too preoccupied with figuring out all the ways to hide the stains on your teeth. May your smile be merry and bright, not dull and dingy! Check out this American Dental Association video about how teeth whitening works. When you […]

Seamless Tooth Fillings That Blend Right In

Tooth decay and cavities are common dental problems that can be easily treated if caught early. While you might think it’s no big deal to put off treatment until after the holidays, decay can turn into a much more serious and painful issue if given enough time. You don’t want to sit down for Thanksgiving […]

Fix Your Smile Problems With Invisalign!

It’s National Orthodontic Health Month, and we’re ready to celebrate! One of the ways you can keep your teeth strong and healthy and improve the appearance of your smile at the same time is to correct problems with your bite alignment and straighten crooked teeth. But don’t assume that metal braces are the only way […]

Gum Disease Lurks In The Shadows – Keep Your Smile Safe!

We’re dedicated to helping you maintain a bright, healthy smile. To achieve that, we offer modern dental treatments that keep your mouth clean and invest in the latest technology to detect potential oral health threats in their earliest stages. One of the greatest threats we look for at your routine hygiene appointments is gum disease, […]

How to Teach Your Kids Good Teeth Brushing

Are you at a loss trying to teach your kids good teeth brushing? If so, help is on the way! Check out this video below from the American Dental Association for some tips on getting your kids to brush their teeth. Then contact us today to schedule your kids’ next regular checkups. Call 360-695-3369 in […]

Take a Moment to Enjoy Our Oasis Dental Blog

We’re excited to unveil our new website, but we’re just as excited about our new Oasis Dental blog. It will keep you informed on how to maintain a bright and healthy smile at all times. We hope you’ll check back here often to stay up to date. If you have any questions, or if you’d […]