Relieve Tooth Pain & Headaches Before The Holidays

We have just a couple of weeks to get ready for the holidays. For many of us, it’s a happy time. For others, it’s a real headache. While we can’t do anything to help with the stress that comes with the season, we can definitely offer some relief if your headaches, tooth pain, jaw soreness, […]

Scared Of The Dentist? Try Dental Sedation!

This time of year, many of us enjoy doing things that are a bit scary. Watching a classic horror film, touring a haunted house, pulling harmless Halloween pranks on unsuspecting friends… any fear you experience is more thrilling than frightening because you know it’s all in good fun. But lasting, intense fear is nothing to […]

A Prettier, Healthier Smile With Just One Treatment!

With just one dental treatment, you can achieve two life-changing results. Orthodontics can fix issues with your bite alignment, overcrowding, and crooked teeth, so the first and most obvious changes to your smile are cosmetic.  But along with a better look and much more confidence, your straight teeth will allow you to maintain a healthier […]

Visit Us For Preventive Dentistry Before The Year Ends!

Most people with dental insurance have until December 31 to take advantage of all the benefits included in their plan.  By visiting your Vancouver, WA dentist for a routine cleaning and exam now, you not only receive this invaluable preventive dental treatment at no additional cost, but you also give yourself time to take full […]

10 Teeth-Friendly Snack Ideas

In our last blog, we invited you to visit us for your family’s back-to-school dental cleanings.  Today, we’re offering another helpful resource for keeping your kids’ smiles healthy during the school year.  Take a look at our infographic that lists ten snack ideas you can include in your child’s lunchbox that will help build stronger, […]

Send Your Kids Back To School With Healthy Teeth!

It’s stressful enough for parents to get their kids back into the usual routine after summer break to have to also worry about the potential drama of visiting the dentist for those back-to-school cleanings and exams. But at Oasis Dental, we understand how powerful early childhood experiences at a dentist’s office can be in generating […]

Make Time for Dental Maintenance This Summer

Summer is a great time to relax – but it’s also a surprisingly good time to take care of some dental maintenance. We make it especially easy at Oasis Dental, by offering appointments as early as 7 a.m. Don’t hesitate to call our offices in Vancouver ( 360-695-3369) or Ridgefield ( 360-727-0335) for any of […]

Summer Is A Great Time To Start Invisalign!

Change takes some getting used to, even if that change is minimal.  That’s why giving your child the chance to adjust to treatment over the summer is a good idea if orthodontics are in their near future. They’ll be able to develop a slightly modified routine without the distractions or stress of a typical school […]

We Make Dental Implants Simple!

When it comes to replacing one or more teeth, we understand how important it is to make sure our patients fully understand their options and what to expect throughout the treatment process. It’s one of the reasons Sarah so highly recommends our care at Oasis Dental.  Watch her testimonial video to learn more about how […]

Keep Your Mouth Healthy With Dental Cleanings!

As the weather gets warmer and warmer, you’ll have to put more effort into staying well-hydrated. Not only does your body need plenty of water, but your mouth does, too. Dry mouth can leave your teeth and gums more vulnerable to cavities and other problems. That’s just one of the ways the hot summer months […]